This past weekend, my new Fuji mirrorless arrived in the mail. It’s been 10 years since I bought a new camera, and while I’m sure I’ll still reach for my Nikon750 quite frequently, I felt it was time to grow into a new era. My amazing friend and former teacher, Doron Gild, convinced me that this was the mirrorless to choose.
Man, was he not kidding.
What better place to pop in a fresh memory stick than the Nola Brewing Beers & Gears Vintage Car Show. It was a sunny, warm Saturday and a few of us found cold IPAs and real love affairs with ’68 Dodge Chargers, British MGs and one particular, sexy-as-hell Ferrari Testarossa. I missed my dad all day, as he’s the person who fed my passion for vintage cars to begin with. When I was about six years old, and maybe only 2.5 feet tall, he had a 1969 Fiat Spyder. I had a tiny pink driving hat. He barely fit in it, unless the top was down. We were cool.
Right at this moment, we are actually in Denver, happily house/teenager sitting for my brother’s family. We are missing the full Barrett-Jackson car auction this weekend, but if you’re in New Orleans and into old cars, you should absolutely go.
Big thanks to The Bomb Factory for putting on a really stellar afternoon this past Saturday.
Big thanks to Fuji for making an outrageously awesome piece of machinery, too.
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