French Quarter New Orleans photography PHOTO POST: Sunset on Chartres Street “Don’t you just love those long afternoons in New Orleans, when an hour isn’t just an hour–but a little piece of eternity dropped into your... August 7, 2022
Covid New Orleans 9 Nola Places to Spend Your Money During Covid We’ve all read the negative posts. Or, had a moment face-to-face with someone who wasn’t wearing a mask, who wasn’t washing their hands, or who... June 27, 2020
Covid French Quarter Uncategorized Once-In-A-Century French Quarter Days When this pandemic started, I remember thinking my 48-pack instant coffee supply from Starbucks would certainly get me through. Surely this isn’t going to go... June 15, 2020
Covid New Orleans PHOTO POST: Flowers & Spray Paint A few mornings ago, the cat woke me up at 5:30 a.m. I was momentarily annoyed. It was dark enough outside to need the kitchen... May 28, 2020
Covid French Quarter Keep Your Head Up … And Other Inspiring New Orleans Ideas This song plays so frequently at our little compound. The video and song launched before Covid-19 hit up, but the message could not be more... May 8, 2020
French Quarter New Orleans Strippers, Psychics & Pizza Slingers: My New Neighbors A move seems an impossible thing. You look around at so many items. So many socks and skirts and the previous year’s box of invoices.... December 31, 2019