Hanoi and I have issues. Like most people or places I have issues with, I’m willing to go a second round in the fight just to see if we can’t warm up. Ya know, cuddle a bit. Maybe you’ll give me inside spoon Hanoi, and even though I don’t like your face, maybe I’m feeling lonely and we come to some sense of common need … some thread in the giant tapestry of this region I so ardently adore. Maybe we find a bar where we can split a beer and laugh, even if we both realize in the moment that this is our last moment, and I might never return.
The traffic here is maybe the only redeeming part of this concrete sprawl. The traffic in all of Vietnam is legendary. There are no traffic lights, and it never stops. It’s like an animal, comprised of bikes and buses, shuffling old ladies and beat up cars, that worms down the streets as a writhing unit. If you need to cross a street, you have to walk out into this insanity at a steady pace and the traffic moves around you. If you stop suddenly or speed up, you could potentially get clipped. So, the trick is steady pace. People cart everything you could ever imagine on bikes here. Sheets of glass held on top of their heads. Toddlers clutching live roosters. Televisions perched precariously on handlebars and blocks of ice, dripping and towering off the backseats. Today, our driver told us he’d once seen a cow strapped to the back of a motor scooter. Naturally, we acted like asshole Americans.
“No way. You are making that up.”
He then shut our stupid mouths.
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While I disagree with your take on Hanoi, I do really like your photography.
Great work and enjoy the rest of Vietnam!
Where should I go to change my mind about this place? Any suggestions welcome! I’m here till tomorrow early am, so maybe a bar suggestion or two if you have them. And thanks 😉 Appreciate the compliment!
I didn’t think Hanoi was that bad to be honest, and I had a great and cheap meal near that old Confucian school or university, can’t remember what it was. It is one of the sights in town. Also, they have some great beer hoi places there. Actually I had several good meals in Hanoi. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Saigon more, but Hanoi really isn’t that bad. But it doesn’t matter, you don’t need to like every place you go.
ive never been so i cant retort or agree. but it sure is photogenic! 🙂
Yes, it’s got that charming gritty thing going on that’s great for shooting.
No, not that bad. I just don’t have a reason to come back really. My philosophy is to go to every place at least once. If after that you don’t love it – like Hanoi for me – try again. Then, my point is, if you personally don’t like it twice … go do something else next time.
Thus, i won’t be back for a while. But i by no means “hate” hanoi. Just “Do you wanna go there?” will be answered with “Nope.”
Ralf – where are you? can we meet up?
Hi Dad!! Have fun!
My Vietnamese student just told me to send you to see HoChiMinh in Hanoi (and he hates that area too) . I guess hcm is preserved. (weird)
Also visit My tho- this is where he is from. Go to there for the food. He says “best noodle ever, they famous”. 🙂 xo Nang Tran
Thanks Boelts!!
I’m in Miri, in Sarawak… Going to Brunei pretty soon, so maybe I can try some rat there, since you recommend it 😉
Whether we can meet up, I can’t say, when the date nears that you are finished with your volunteering in Cambodia, I can tell you where I am at, and we can take if from there. I will either be in Kalimantan or in Sulawesi, I think these are both places you haven’t visited and you might enjoy an adventure in either of the two. Anyway, we will keep in touch.
I’ll holler at you closer to time. I’m not getting out of Cambodia till March. Sometime around the 2nd or 3rd. I really want to go see burma