I’m a perpetual optimist. At least I think I am?

Yeah. I am.

I also waffle a lot. I have a powerful ability to decide two opposing things are true within seconds. I don’t eat the breakfast staple very often. I’m an optimist, who prefers pancakes. 

That being said, 2018 was a Truck Stop Bathroom. Bad things happened inside it. It was dirty. Very sordid. It needed cleaning and possibly a priest. Many of us are hoping to put it in the rearview. (Wow, this metaphor really went the distance.)

Now, I’m going to tell you that 2018 was awesome. I’m going to waffle. How was it awesome, you ask?

I discovered a new favorite artist and a new favorite musical artist. There was so much good television, and I found a few books I could not put down. I worked out a new life hack and purchased the world’s best hot sauce. 

Without further waffling … here is my Best Of 2018 list.

Give these things a moment of your time. And don’t let the man get you down. He’ll be in jail soon.

Favorite Novel

The Name of the Wind, by Patrick Rothfuss — in short, if you love Game of Thrones, this trilogy is even more captivating. It’s the tale of a stalwart tavern keeper, who in a former life was an Alchemist. Mystical powers, violent creatures, a love story or two … and friendship. I have no doubt we will all be talking about this television series in the future. The only rub is, he’s not finished the third book yet. 

Runner-Up Favorite Novel

Noir, by Christopher Moore — if you’ve not experienced Moore yet, you’re in for a treat. Grab A Dirty Job on audiobook. Hilarious. He set Noir in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the 1940s. The women are “dames.” The men are dapper. Our protagonist is down-on-his-luck, but he’s in good humor, navigating mob-owned noodle joints and the opium den foibles. 

Favorite Musical Artist

Nicole Atkins. Give “Darkness Falls So Quiet” a listen. I haven’t found a song of hers I don’t like, whether I’m at the gym or laying on the couch. She’s far better live and frequently is on stage in New York City and New Jersey.

Favorite Artist

Shawn Dickinson. I bought his book a few months back. Plus, he was kind enough to sell me two pieces for my new apartment. It was a battle not to buy three.

Best Television of the Year

It’s a tie between Claws & Schitt’s Creek. Fight me. 

Favorite Movie

Casablanca. Wanna hear something nuts? I watched this for the first time in 2018. It broke me on a plane to Istanbul. Why do we always cry on planes? God, this movie …

Best Hot Sauce Discovery

Yeak Cambodian-American Hot Sauce. Go. Now. Get every flavor they have. Pour it on everything. Gift it. Seriously, I cannot discuss fervently enough my love for little Yeak.

Best Skincare Product Discovery

The Drunk Elephant Sukari Baby Facial is a terrifying experience the first time you try it. It burns. And not in a good or remotely calming way. The result after 10 minutes (do NOT leave it on longer) is your skin feeling like butter cream. If you have problem acne as a 38-year-old like me (joy!), this might just cure it. Use every 10 days. Use 10 minutes only. 

Best Life Hack Discovery

Individual nail polish remover pads. Tuck a few in your every-day bag or your wallet. Never show up anywhere with chipped, peeling nails ever again. Never buy a full bottle of acetone ever again. Get them here.

Favorite Recipe

The New York Times published this Smoky Braised Kale with Tomatoes and I’ve prepared it at least 20 times this year. It’s great as a side for steak or catfish or pork tenderloin. It’s even better as a topping for a sliced pork tenderloin sandwich the following day. Always add a fried egg. 

Well, everyone … that’s all I’ve got. It would be wonderful to hear your thoughts on books, recipes, music and art in the comments below.

It’s almost time to bid you goodbye, 2018 …

… and I’m going to be the optimist. I’m going to focus on gratitude for all these awesome things you brought my way. Might even blow off work and go re-watch Casablanca.

Anyone wanna come over for a baby facial and a beer?