Happy Memorial Day everybody!

I’d imagine most of you are at a BBQ on a beach or a rooftop somewhere. I hope you are face first in a big plate of pork, while simultaneously giving some thanks for all our fallen soldiers. It’s a great holiday that combines both remembrance and potato salad, with the welcoming first moments of summer. Shove over Thanksgiving … Memorial Day is the best.

I’m at JFK, headed out again. This time, I’m going to Dubai for a few days, followed by an 8 day trip to Georgia. Yep, Georgia. As in, the country – not the state. You know … the one right next to Azerbaijan? I’m going to do my utmost to take the giant Land Rover we’ve rented over that border … just for the passport stamp, naturally. I might steal a pebble too. Will keep you posted on that.

Apparently the roads in Georgia are a nightmare. Apparently my closet is woefully unprepared for my arrival in Dubai. Sleeves? What are those? This was the hardest packing experience I’ve ever encountered. As usual, it’s an adventure before I’ve even left the house!

For all of you who followed me over on the other URL, when this blog was Saltwater Cures Everything, please sign up again here because I’m not smart enough to figure out how to push your emails into this one. To the new people who don’t follow it but want to – hit up that little menu bar symbol in the righthand corner of the homepage. From there, it’s pretty self-explanatory.

Welcome to Buddha Drinks Fanta!

I didn’t have any images of Buddha drinking a Fanta. I don’t have any images of Georgia or Dubai, ’cause I’m still in JFK. So here are a few of some saltwater. I guess you could call it a little send off to the old site, and it seemed Memorial-Day-approrpiate. These were taken in Perdido Key Florida last week on a trip with my family. Now I’m takin’ off.

Ciao for now, kiddies. Assalamu alaikum!

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